On The Waste

One quarter of an hour to five in the morning and it's just me and lesbian pornography. Thirty seven point eight four gigabytes of easily countable women defiling each other for my viewing shame. A recent desire to engage in simulated guitar sessions was nearly sated just hours ago. Alas, virtual instrumentation was not to be mine. An overworked originator of The Kid's required relative silence for optimal typing conditions. The box of silicon and copper that is her overseer demands it. Available seating in my place of residence is limited to a pile of shoddy wood and torn fabric designed to dislocate vertebrae and ravage lumbars or the ceiling. My place of residence is unsuitable. I'm unaware of any hidden meta-anatomy in Smelly or The Kid that would allow them to take seat on a ceiling. They're no Spider-Man. Instead, a convergence on The Kid's abode was organized via portable communication device and an excursion to the nearest corporate book store/cafe/stage/shit hole ensued. After selecting several travel books to study a potential get-a-away to Europe drinks were drank. Two dirty bean waters and a root beer. The barista revealed to me that she lived for a time in the north of France. However, her body fat percentage was unacceptable so I didn't give a fuck. Standards being double are society’s problem, not mine. A little closer to five in the morning. Travel books I can't afford stir wonder at my intentions to get to the places they recommend. Even bismuth subsalicylate is an expense beyond my tax bracket. That is to say I’m poor. With bowels as irritable as mine perhaps my diet is up for a performance review. I'm no nutritionist. The seven days a week twenty four hours a day convenience store of my preference has changed their frozen mini taco-esque wrap recipe anyway. Two minutes to five in the morning. Red cow flesh, pig meat, fried flesh of any kind, lipids, dairy foodstuffs, grains whole and processed, canned and/or microwaveable deliciousness. Everything I eat. Nothing I should eat. I'm no nutritionist. Fuck vegetables.

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